Wonderwell Toy Co. Website Photography


Website Photography for Wonderwell Toy Co.

Conscious toys like The Kindness Mouse™ are the way for thriving futures.

It is not often that a client comes to you with a product that brings tears to your eyes. As an empath, The Kindness Mouse sure does pull at my heart strings. A toy designed to teach us to look at the world more kindly? I think we all could use a Kindness Mouse in our lives.

“I’m super grateful for all of your time, talent and expertise to bring my product to life through photos. The way you captured mouse is better than I expected and you were very attentive to detail - thank you! I couldn’t be happier with the end result.”

– Jana Hallam

Keep your photoshoot budget low by using minimal props, surfaces and backgrounds.

Product Photography for Wonderwell toy co.

Wonderwell is an excellent example of how to keep your photography shoot low budget by focusing on the product and its features and eliminating the complications of props, surfaces and backgrounds. We kept the shoot simple, using only prop boxes as props to help create dynamic compositions.

Wonderwell Toy Co. came to us with a very clear brand aesthetic and knew exactly what they were looking for in terms of their photography.

The budding company has only one product at this stage and hopes to expand in the future. The single product is composed of multiple items and comes in a kit. We photographed individual e-commerce product shots of each item and group shots of the kit on a simple light grey background.

During post-production, we replaced the background colour with a brand colour from the company, bringing back in the natural shadows to ground the objects. A cohesive look across product images helps to strengthen the company’s brand identity.

Our photography package included:

  • Individual product photography - used for e-commerce

  • Group product photography - made into banner images for the website

  • 1 day of shooting - photographing items in our home studio

  • 1 day of prop prep - repainting and sanding prop boxes

  • High-resolution and low-resolution/web-optimized files

By sticking to the basics, we were able to provide Wonderwell with top-notch product photography that stands the test of time. Our high-quality image captures provide an accurate representation of the product and will help customers make informed buying decisions.

What is The Kindness Mouse™?

The Kindness Mouse™ is an intentional experience designed to spark conscious creativity and meaningful conversations that support children's emotional well-being and long-term mental health. The playful adventure of a traveling mouse delivers prompts for fun, empathy, and inspiring the good within. Conscious toys like this are the way for thriving futures.

The Kindness Mouse™ inspires imagination and positive thinking through a storybook and set of activity cards. The cards include prompts for kids like, “One small act of kindness can quickly result in another, starting with you and reaching beyond your sister or brother. Name three people you might see in your day, how can you show them kindness today?”.

On a neuroscience level, the activity cards help to wire kids brains to look at themselves and their accomplishments in a positive manner. The cards can help to develop a strong relationship between parent and child and are a great way of getting to know your child’s inner world.

The Kindness Mouse™ is here to create a ripple effect of kindness throughout the world. Wonderwell calls it, “play for a better world.”

Group product photography for an e-commerce website of a teddy bear, book and package.

Where can I find The Kindness Mouse™?

The Kindness Mouse™ was created by Jana Hallam out of BelleRiver, Ontario. The Kindness Mouse™ by Wonderwell Toy Co. can be purchased from the company’s website.

The Kindness Mouse™ Kit Includes:

  • Storybook "When a Mouse is at Your Door"

  • Plush Mouse Character (Approx 12" tall)

  • Mouse Sized Backpack

  • 24 Activity Cards (With activity, engagement and affirmation categories)

Group product photography for banner photos for a teddy bear company website.


Hi! I’m Bre. I am a passionate and dedicated creative professional who takes pride in delivering high-quality photography and visuals that effectively communicate the message of my clients. I believe that good marketing is a combination of artistry and strategy, and I strive to find the perfect balance between the two. 

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